EVERGREEN - エバーグリーン


× A B C D E

  • cabbage palm
  • cabbage palm
  • cabbage tree
  • cabbage tree
  • cacao
  • cacao tree
  • cackrey
  • caerulea subsp. edulis
  • caeruleum
  • caeruleum subsp. laxiflorum
  • caeruleum subsp. yezoense
  • cain apple
  • cajuput
  • calabash
  • calabash gourd
  • calamint
  • calamint
  • calamus
  • calico-bush
  • California brome
  • California burclover
  • California fan palm
  • California incense-cedar
  • California lilac
  • California palm
  • California poppy
  • California privet
  • California sunlight
  • calla
  • calla
  • calla lily
  • calla lily
  • calliopsis
  • callosum
  • caltrops
  • camas
  • camash
  • campanulatus
  • camphor
  • camphor laurel
  • camphor tree
  • camphorwood
  • camschatcense var. camschatcense
  • camtschaticum
  • Canada anemone
  • Canada columbine
  • Canada toadflax
  • canadensis
  • canadensis subsp. latifolia
  • Canadian columbine
  • Canadian fleabane
  • Canadian horseweed
  • canaliculatum
  • Canarian ivy
  • canary clover
  • canary columbine
  • Canary Island date palm
  • candelabra aloe
  • candelabra bush
  • candelabra dahlia
  • candelabra tree
  • candidum
  • candle bush
  • candleberry tree
  • candletree
  • candy cane sorrel
  • candytuft
  • cane apple
  • cane grass
  • cane palm
  • canistel
  • Canterbury bells
  • Canton ginger
  • cape dandelion
  • Cape honeysuckle
  • Cape iris
  • Cape jasmine
  • Cape leadwort
  • Cape lilac
  • Cape lilac
  • Cape lily
  • Cape mallow
  • cape marigold
  • Cape plumbago
  • Cape primrose
  • Cape sorrel
  • Cape tulip
  • caper spurge
  • capeweed
  • capillacea
  • capillary wormwood
  • Cappadocian navelseed
  • Cappadocian navelwort
  • capsicum pepper
  • Captain King's dendrobium
  • Caraway
  • cardamon
  • cardinal creeper
  • cardinal flower
  • cardinal vine
  • cardiophylla
  • cardo
  • Cardoon
  • cardosanto
  • Cardwell lily
  • Caribbean copper plant
  • Carmichael's monkshood
  • carnation
  • carnival ochna
  • carnosa
  • Carolina allspice
  • Carolina bristle mallow
  • Carolina campion
  • Carolina crane's-bill
  • Carolina dayflower
  • Carolina geranium
  • Carolina horsenettle
  • Carolina jessamine
  • Carolina mallow
  • caroliniensis
  • Carpathian strawberry
  • carpenter's weed
  • carpet box
  • carpet bugle
  • carpet bugleweed
  • carpet weed
  • carpetweed
  • carrol
  • carrol ironwood
  • carrot fern
  • carrot weed
  • carrots
  • carrots
  • cartilaginomarginata
  • cast-iron-plant
  • castor bean
  • castor oil plant
  • cat grass
  • cat powder
  • cat tail
  • cat-o'-nine-tails
  • cat's valerian
  • cat's whiskers
  • cat's whiskers
  • cat's-ear
  • Catalan jasmine
  • Catalina lovegrass
  • Catalonian jasmine
  • catawba-tree
  • catmint
  • catmint
  • catnip
  • catsear
  • catsfoot
  • catsfoot
  • catswort
  • caudatum
  • caudiceps
  • cauliflower
  • Cayenne jasmine
  • celery
  • celery lettuce
  • Celtic maple
  • Celtuce
  • century plant
  • century plant
  • ceriman
  • cespitosa
  • cespitosa subsp. orientalis
  • Ceylon cinnamon
  • Ceylon creeper
  • Ceylon spinach
  • chaerophylloides
  • chaff-flower
  • chamissonis
  • chamissonis subsp. chamissonis
  • chamissonis subsp. japonica
  • chamomile
  • chamomile sunray
  • chandelier plant
  • channelled heath
  • channelled water plantain
  • chard
  • chartacea
  • chaste tree
  • chasteberry
  • chayote
  • checkerberry
  • checkerblooms
  • checkermallows
  • cheeky yam
  • cheeseplant
  • cheeseweed
  • cheeseweed
  • cheeseweed mallow
  • Cherokee rose
  • cherry pie
  • cherry plum
  • cherry sage
  • chick weed
  • chicken gizzard
  • chicken tree
  • chickweed
  • chickweed baby's-breath
  • chickweed-wintergreen
  • chidori
  • chienii
  • chigo-zasa
  • childing pink
  • Chile pine
  • Chilean iris
  • Chilean pine
  • chili pepper
  • china
  • China aster
  • china box
  • China doll
  • China jute
  • China pink
  • China rose
  • China rose
  • China rose
  • China tree
  • China wood-oil tree
  • Chinaberry
  • Chinaberry
  • chincherinchee
  • chinense
  • chinensis
  • chinensis
  • chinensis
  • chinensis
  • chinensis
  • chinensis
  • Chinese aconite
  • Chinese anemone
  • Chinese angelica-tree
  • Chinese apple
  • Chinese arborvitae
  • Chinese arrowhead
  • Chinese artichoke
  • Chinese asparagus
  • Chinese barberry
  • Chinese bayberry
  • Chinese beautyberry
  • Chinese bellflower
  • Chinese bitter orange
  • Chinese boxthorn
  • Chinese bush cherry
  • Chinese bush cherry
  • Chinese cabbage
  • Chinese catalpa
  • Chinese chestnut
  • Chinese chives
  • Chinese convolvulus
  • Chinese cork oak
  • Chinese crabapple
  • Chinese croton
  • Chinese date
  • Chinese desert-thorn
  • Chinese dogwood
  • Chinese dwarf banana
  • Chinese dwarf cherry
  • Chinese elm
  • Chinese fever vine
  • Chinese flame tree
  • Chinese forget-me-not
  • Chinese fountaingrass
  • Chinese fountaingrass
  • Chinese foxglove
  • Chinese fringe flower
  • Chinese golden rain tree
  • Chinese ground orchid
  • Chinese hackberry
  • Chinese hawthorn
  • Chinese hibiscus
  • Chinese hibiscus
  • Chinese holly
  • Chinese hound's tongue
  • Chinese jujube
  • Chinese juniper
  • Chinese jute
  • Chinese knotweed
  • Chinese knotweed
  • Chinese lacquer tree
  • Chinese lantern lily
  • Chinese lantern plant
  • Chinese lantern tree
  • Chinese lettuce
  • Chinese lizard tail
  • Chinese lobelia
  • Chinese long bean
  • Chinese magnolia vine
  • Chinese mahonia
  • Chinese mallow
  • Chinese matrimony-vine
  • Chinese mayapple
  • Chinese mint bush
  • Chinese mint shrub
  • Chinese motherwort
  • Chinese parasol tree
  • Chinese parsley
  • Chinese Patchouli
  • Chinese pea tree
  • Chinese pear
  • Chinese pearl barley
  • Chinese pennisetum
  • Chinese pennisetum
  • Chinese peony
  • Chinese pistache
  • Chinese plantain
  • Chinese plum
  • Chinese plum
  • Chinese plum
  • Chinese potato
  • Chinese privet
  • Chinese privet
  • Chinese quince
  • Chinese quinine
  • Chinese redbud
  • Chinese rice-paper plant
  • Chinese rose
  • Chinese sacred lily
  • Chinese scarlet eggplant
  • Chinese scholar tree
  • Chinese senna
  • Chinese snowball
  • Chinese snowball viburnum
  • Chinese spicebush
  • Chinese spinach
  • Chinese spiranthes
  • Chinese sprangletop
  • Chinese star jasmine
  • Chinese sumac
  • Chinese sumac
  • Chinese sweet gum
  • Chinese tallow
  • Chinese tallowtree
  • Chinese taro
  • Chinese teaplant
  • Chinese thuja
  • Chinese trumpet creeper
  • Chinese trumpet vine
  • Chinese trumpet-flower
  • Chinese violet
  • Chinese violet
  • Chinese violet cress
  • Chinese Virginia-creeper
  • Chinese watercress
  • Chinese windmill palm
  • Chinese wingnut
  • Chinese witch hazel
  • Chinese wolfberry
  • Chinese wolfsbane
  • Chinese yam
  • Chinese yarrow
  • Chinese yarrow
  • Chinese yellow banana
  • chinkerinchee
  • chinsaga
  • chloranthus
  • chocolate lily
  • chocolate soldier
  • chokeberry
  • chop suey green
  • chorisiana
  • Christ plant
  • Christ thorn
  • Christmas bells
  • Christmas berry
  • Christmas box
  • Christmas bush
  • Christmas cactus
  • Christmas candles
  • Christmas holly
  • Christmas palm
  • Christmas tree
  • chrysanthemum greens
  • chufa
  • chufa sedge
  • Chusan palm
  • cicutarium
  • cigar flower
  • cigar tree
  • cigartree
  • ciliaris
  • cineraria
  • cinnamomeum
  • cinnamon
  • cinnamon myrtle
  • cinnamon vine
  • cinnamon vine
  • citron zephyrlily
  • citrus thyme
  • clammy chickweed
  • clammy goosefoot
  • clary sage
  • clasping bellflower
  • clasping heliotrope
  • clasping Venus' looking-glass
  • clavata
  • claw fern
  • Cleveland sage
  • climbing dayflower
  • climbing fig
  • climbing fumitory
  • climbing Guinea flower
  • climbing spinach
  • clock vine
  • clove
  • clove pink
  • clove tree
  • clover broomrape
  • clubmoss mountain heather
  • clubrush
  • clumpfoot cabbage
  • cluster amaryllis
  • cluster mallow
  • clustered bellflower
  • clustered dock
  • clustered mountain mint
  • clustering fishtail palm
  • clustertop vervain
  • coast banksia
  • coastal banksia
  • coatbuttons
  • coca
  • cocaine plant
  • coccinea
  • cock's-foot
  • cockroach berry
  • cockscomb
  • cockspur coral tree
  • coco-grass
  • cocoa tree
  • coconut palm
  • coffee rose
  • coffee senna
  • coffeeweed
  • coffeeweed
  • coffeeweed
  • cogon grass
  • cogon grass
  • cogon grass
  • coix seed'
  • colewort
  • colewort
  • coliseum ivy
  • collarless California poppy
  • Colorado red cedar
  • Colorado river reed
  • Colorado river-hemp
  • coltsfoot
  • comfrey
  • commercial strawberries
  • commixta
  • common alplily
  • common amaranth
  • common asystasia
  • common balm
  • common bamboo
  • common barley
  • common bean
  • common bindweed
  • common bird's-foot trefoil
  • common blanketflower
  • common blue violet
  • common bog rosemary
  • common box
  • common bracken
  • common broom
  • common broomrape
  • common buckwheat
  • common bugle
  • common bugloss
  • common bulrush
  • common buttonbush
  • common camellia
  • common catchfly
  • common catchfly
  • common cattail
  • common centaury
  • common chickweed
  • common chicory
  • common comfrey
  • common coral tree
  • common corn-cockle
  • common cornsalad
  • common cowslip
  • common dandelion
  • common evening-primrose
  • common everlasting
  • common fan-flower
  • common field-speedwell
  • common fig
  • common flax
  • common fleabane
  • common floss flower
  • common foxglove
  • common fumitory
  • common gaillardia
  • common garden peony
  • common gardenia
  • common globeflower
  • common groundsel
  • common guava
  • common gypsophila
  • common heather
  • common heliotrope
  • common henbit
  • common holly
  • common honeysuckle
  • common hop
  • common horsetail
  • common hyacinth
  • common ivy
  • common knotgrass
  • common laburnum
  • common lilac
  • common lime
  • common linden
  • common maidenhair
  • common mallow
  • common mallow
  • common marigold
  • common meadow violet
  • common meadow-grass
  • common milk-hedge
  • common morning-glory
  • common mullein
  • common myrrh
  • common myrtle
  • common nettle
  • common ninebark
  • common oak
  • common oreorchis
  • common passion flower
  • common pea
  • common pear
  • common pearlbush
  • common pink
  • common poppy
  • common primrose
  • common privet
  • common quince
  • common ragweed
  • common ragwort
  • common red bottlebrush
  • common rue
  • common sage
  • common salvia
  • common screwpine
  • common self-heal
  • common snowball
  • common snowberry
  • common soapwort
  • common soliva
  • common sorrel
  • common sowthistle
  • common speedwell
  • common staghorn fern
  • common starwort
  • common sunflower
  • common tansy
  • common thistle
  • common thyme
  • common toadflax
  • common trumpetvine
  • common tumbleweed
  • common valerian
  • common velvet grass
  • common verbena
  • common vervain
  • common white dogwood
  • common whitlowgrass
  • common wild oat
  • common wood sorrel
  • common yarrow
  • common zinnia
  • communis
  • communis
  • comosum
  • compact dracaena
  • compass plant
  • comphrey
  • complanata
  • complanata
  • compositus
  • Condamine couch
  • Condamine curse
  • confederate jasmine
  • confederate jessamine
  • confederate rose
  • confetti bush
  • conica
  • conilii
  • conker tree
  • coon's tail
  • coontail
  • cooper's reed
  • Cootamundra wattle
  • copey
  • Copper Canyon daisy
  • copper shield fern
  • copperleaf
  • copperlily
  • coraeensis
  • coral ardisia
  • coral bells
  • coral bush
  • coral fountain
  • coral hibiscus
  • coral honeysuckle
  • coral lily
  • coral pea
  • coral plant
  • Coral Plant
  • coral swirl
  • coral vine
  • coralberry
  • coralberry
  • coralberry
  • coralberry tree
  • coralblow
  • Coralita
  • cordata
  • cordata
  • cordata
  • cordatum
  • cordifolia
  • cordofan pea
  • corfifolia
  • coriander
  • corkwood tree
  • corn
  • corn daisy
  • corn marigold
  • corn mint
  • corn plant
  • corn poppy
  • corn rose
  • corn salad
  • corn speedwell
  • corncockles
  • Cornelian cherries
  • cornflower
  • cornflower
  • corniculatus
  • cornstalk dracaena
  • coromandel
  • coromandel
  • coromandel primrose
  • Corsican hellebore
  • cortusifolia
  • cottage pink
  • cotton
  • cotton grass
  • cotton grass
  • cotton grass
  • cotton tree
  • cotulifer
  • couch grass
  • couch paspalum
  • council tree
  • cow basil
  • cow bitter
  • cow foot
  • cow itch vine
  • cow parsley
  • cow soapwort
  • cow vetch
  • cow-quake
  • cow's udder
  • cowbane
  • cowberry
  • cowcockle
  • cowherb
  • cowslip
  • cowslip primrose
  • crab's eyes
  • cracker plant
  • cramp bark
  • crane flower
  • crape gardenia
  • crape jasmine
  • crape myrtle
  • cream narcissus
  • creek bottlebrush
  • creeping bear's-ear
  • creeping bellflower
  • creeping buttercup
  • creeping charlie
  • creeping charlie
  • creeping charlie
  • creeping comfrey
  • creeping fig
  • creeping foxglove
  • creeping foxglove
  • creeping Jenny
  • creeping lantana
  • creeping mallow
  • creeping mallow
  • creeping myrtle
  • creeping navelwort
  • creeping phlox
  • creeping phlox
  • creeping raspwort
  • creeping red fescue
  • creeping rockfoil
  • creeping saxifrage
  • creeping smartweed
  • creeping spinach
  • creeping thyme
  • creeping wire vine
  • creeping woodsorrel
  • creeping woodsorrel
  • creeping zinnias
  • creeping-forget-me-not
  • creeping-oxeye
  • crenata
  • crenatum
  • crepe ginger
  • crepe myrtle
  • crepeflower
  • crested iris
  • crested Philippine violet
  • Cretan brake
  • Cretan brake fern
  • crimson bottlebrush
  • crimson clover
  • crimson fountaingrass
  • crimson glory vine
  • crimsoneyed rosemallow
  • crispa
  • crispula
  • crocus
  • crosne
  • crossberry
  • crow soap
  • crow-dipper
  • crowfoot
  • crowfootgrass
  • crown daisy
  • crown of thorns
  • crowndaisy chrysanthemum
  • crownvetch
  • crus-galli
  • cry-baby
  • cry-baby tree
  • cryptotaeniifolia
  • Cuban jute
  • Cuban lily
  • cucumber
  • cucumber magnolia
  • cucumber tree
  • cucumberleaf sunflower
  • cucumbertree
  • culinary sage
  • cuneata
  • cuneifolia
  • cup of gold
  • cupflower
  • curled dock
  • curled pondweed
  • curly dock
  • curly indigo
  • curly plumeless thistle
  • curry plant
  • curve-leaf yucca
  • curved lovegrass
  • curved-leaved Spanish-dagger
  • curviaristata
  • cushion baby's-breath
  • cuspidata
  • cut-leaved dead-nettle
  • cut-leaved ground-cherry
  • cut-leaved lavender
  • cutleaf
  • cutleaf anemone
  • cutleaf coneflower
  • cutleaf evening primrose
  • cutleaf groundcherry
  • cypress spurge
  • cypress vine
  • cypressvine morning glory