EVERGREEN - エバーグリーン


× A B C D E

  • lablab bean
  • lablab-bean
  • labordei
  • lace plant
  • lacebark elm
  • lacebark pine
  • laceflower
  • lacy phacelia
  • lacy wire vine
  • ladies delight
  • ladies' fingers
  • Ladino clover
  • Ladino clover
  • lady Banks' rose
  • lady of the meadow
  • lady tulip
  • lady-in-a-bath
  • lady's glove
  • lady's lace
  • lady's mantle
  • lady's-hair
  • laeteviolacea
  • lagopus
  • lalang
  • lalang
  • lalang
  • lamb's lettuce
  • lamb's quarters
  • lamb's-ear
  • lamp-flower
  • lanatum
  • lanatus
  • lance-leaved arrowhead
  • lance-leaved coreopsis
  • lanceolata
  • lanceolatum
  • lanceolatum
  • lancifolium
  • langsdorfii
  • lantern tree
  • lapathifolia
  • Lapland mountain sorrel
  • large camas
  • large field speedwell
  • large flowered barrenwort
  • large flowered leptosiphon
  • large flowered pelargonium
  • large periwinkle
  • large purple orchid
  • large quaking grass
  • large wild iris
  • large yellow loosestrife
  • large-flower desert-trumpets
  • large-flower linanthus
  • large-flower primrose-willow
  • large-flowered evening-primrose
  • large-flowered self-heal
  • large-flowered sneezeweed
  • large-flowered waterweed
  • large-leaved lupine
  • large-seeded alfalfa dodder
  • large-veined verbena
  • largeleaf brunnera
  • lark-daisy
  • larkspur
  • lasianthum
  • lasiocaula
  • lasiophyllum
  • late cotoneaster
  • latealatum
  • Latin American fleabane
  • latoucheae
  • laurel
  • Laurel Clock Vine
  • laurel magnolia
  • laurel tree
  • laurelwood
  • laurestine
  • laurustinus
  • laurustinus viburnum
  • lavandin
  • lavender
  • lavender giant hyssop
  • lavender lace flower
  • lawn burrweed
  • lawn leaf
  • lawn marshpennywort
  • lawnweed
  • Lawson cypress
  • Lawson's cypress
  • laxum
  • leaf beet
  • leaf cactus
  • leaf mustard
  • leafless nodding orchid
  • leafy-bracted beggarticks
  • least mallow
  • least pepperwort
  • leechee
  • leek
  • Leichtlin's camass
  • leichtlinii
  • Lemmon's marigold
  • lemon
  • lemon bacopa
  • lemon balm
  • lemon beebrush
  • lemon bottlebrush
  • lemon fluff
  • lemon grass
  • lemon guava
  • lemon guava
  • lemon marigold
  • lemon mint
  • lemon thyme
  • lemon thyme
  • lemon verbena
  • lemonvine
  • Lent lily
  • lenta
  • lentil
  • lentil vetch
  • leopard flower
  • leopard lily
  • leopard lily
  • leopard plant
  • leopardplant
  • leporina
  • lesser broomrape
  • lesser calamint
  • lesser cape-lily
  • lesser celandine
  • lesser hawkbit
  • lesser hop trefoil
  • lesser joyweed
  • lesser periwinkle
  • lesser quaking grass
  • lesser stitchwort
  • lesser swine-cress
  • lesser trefoil
  • lesser wood-rush
  • leucantha
  • leucochlora
  • lever
  • liberisepalum
  • lichi
  • licorice
  • licorice weed
  • lignum-vitae
  • lilac
  • lilac chastetree
  • lilac squirrel
  • lilacbell
  • lilacbush
  • lily leek
  • Lily magnolia
  • lily of the Incas
  • lily of the Incas
  • lily of the Nile
  • lily of the Nile
  • lily of the valley
  • lily of the valley
  • lily tree
  • lily-of-the-field
  • lime
  • linariifolia
  • linden viburnum
  • linderifolia
  • Lindheimer's beeblossom
  • Lindheimer's clockweed
  • lindi piper
  • lindleyanum
  • linearifolia
  • lineariloba
  • ling
  • lingonberry
  • linseed
  • lint
  • lion's tail
  • lion's tail
  • lippia
  • lipstick palm
  • lipstick palm
  • liquorice
  • Lisianthus
  • litchi
  • little evening primrose
  • little hop clover
  • little lovegrass
  • little mallow
  • little pickles
  • little quaking grass
  • littlebell
  • littoralis
  • liukiuensis
  • live forever
  • liver balsam
  • living Christmas tree
  • loban
  • lobata
  • lobata
  • loblolly magnolia
  • lobster-claws
  • Loddon lily
  • lofty fig
  • lollipop plant
  • Lombardy poplar
  • London plane tree
  • London pride
  • long pepper
  • long-headed coneflower
  • long-headed poppy
  • long-leaved helleborine
  • long-podded cowpea
  • long-spurred valerian
  • long-stamened barrenwort
  • long-stem adder's-tongue
  • longbeak stork's bill
  • longicuspis
  • longipedunculatum
  • longipes
  • longiradiata
  • longirostrata
  • longispica
  • longleaf pine
  • longleaf speedwell
  • longstalk holly
  • longstem adderstongue
  • loofah
  • looking-glass bush
  • looseflowers lobelia
  • loquat
  • Lotus vine
  • Louisiana phlox
  • love apple
  • love in a puff
  • love tree
  • love-in-a-mist
  • love-lies-bleeding
  • love-vine
  • low baby's-breath
  • low hop clover
  • low mallow
  • low ragweed
  • lowgrass
  • lowland rotala
  • lucens
  • lucens subsp. sinicus
  • lucerne
  • luchuense
  • lucky beans
  • lucky clover
  • lucky nut
  • lucky plant
  • lungwort
  • lupulina
  • luteovenosa
  • lutescens
  • lychee
  • lyngbyei
  • lyratum
  • lyre flower